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A Day at Cumberland Valley!

     Throughout my student teaching experience I had the opportunity to be a part of many classrooms but by far my favorite visit was to Cumberland Valley with my cohort member Ms. Nicole Guise.  Nicole's experience was much different than mine as she spent a chunk of her experience teaching student's virtually on an A, B day rotation.  I was fascinated by this schedule and thankfully Nicole was more than willing to share more!

    During my visit I had the opportunity to watch Ms. Guise maneuver virtual class, a variety of technology, student questions, and promoting engagement. From my experience, none of these things are easy tasks to accomplish especially through Zoom. But, would we expect anything less than greatness from Ms. Guise? I loved the interactive videos and websites Nicole used to engaged with her students to fill in as much content as possible in the short 30 minutes she had with each student. 

  I had a blast observing my cohort member and I learned a lot throughout the experience! I was amazed by Ms. Guise's enthusiasm in the difficult setting of online learning, what are some ways beyond kahoot or slido to keep your students engaged in a virtual environment?


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