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Showing posts from February, 2021

FFA Week & A Full Load, What a Crazy Week 6 it Has Been!

       Blue and Gold, Boots vs. Crocs, Drive Your Tractor to School, Pancake Eating Contest, and a Petting Zoo were just a few of the ways the Athens FFA chapter celebrated National FFA Week. Each day was a different adventure as I navigated wearing my Advisor hat and Teacher hat all at the same time all while teaching a full load for the first week!       It was a crazy adventure from seeing student's excitement as we counted up how many pairs of crocs vs. boots were in the room, then followed by a very heated debate. To completing a Rate of Flow lab with my Agricultural Mechanics 1 class. One of my students was even the champion of the pancake eating contest! Others were super excited to show of their pets at the petting zoo. The excitement and laughter that filled the school this week was infectious and made the stress of teaching 7 classes much easier.            As I began the week I quickly learned that I would in fact be getting quite the workout each day, as my CT and I c

4 Days for Week 4!

  This week marks 4 weeks into this great adventure we call student teaching, from Horticulture Crime Scene Safety Lab, to Exploring SAEs, and rounding our week out with an awesome heart dissection. This week was nothing but adventure! I started my week with horticulture as we worked to identify the safety hazards that played a role in Tom's unfortunate accident. We also had a greenhouse scavenger hunt and created our own pesticide in some pretty crazy snow. We also worked in identifying the pH of three mystery samples. I implemented lots of quick thinking on my feet as we overcame a little snow, moving from the greenhouse, to the shop, and then finally ending class back in the classroom. It was a big step for me but, I learned so much along the way.       As we moved through the week I had the opportunity to observe not 1 but 2 science classrooms, attend my first chapter meeting (an officer meeting), and help with processing strawberry orders. It was exciting to not only wear my t

Snow Days, Tye Dye, and Many Ways to Grow!

  As the snow fell and our in person school days quickly turned into virtual, the school week went from 5 days to 2! Though the school week was shorter, so many opportunities to learn occurred over those short two days I had in person. I had the chance to sit down with my CTs and discuss my first week of student teaching which was exciting and nerve wrecking all at the same time! I also had my first visit from Dr. Curry, my university supervisor and spent Friday evening with the Seniors at the chapter's third and final FFA Lock In.       Navigating the ever changing dynamic that is teaching in a COVID world, was quite the challenge this week. Finding ways to promote student engagement when we were not meeting in a formal school setting as well as move forward with content was a new and unique obstacle within itself. I learned A LOT from this experience navigating the varying levels of access and internet capabilities each student faces as well as their ability to learn in a digita