It was an action packed week but through it all I have learned so much! Reflecting on my student teaching experience thus far seeing how far I have come and how much time we have left to go. As we go forward in my experience I recognize some areas I still need to work on. My time management has come leaps and bounds since my first day in the classroom however, wrapping of the period is still something I struggle with. What are some suggestions #PSUAgEd2021 or experienced teachers out there that you have for make sure you are concluding each lesson effectively.
As I began my student teaching internship, I was welcomed with open arms by my cooperating teachers, the other educators, administrators, and of course my students! My first full week included observing, In-Service days, a State Officer Visit, FFA Lock In, and a meeting with the middle school Ag Teacher. It has been an incredibly busy week as I have slowly gotten the swing of things. I worked to master the schedule for the day and finding my way around the building. My students have been so kind and helpful, showing me around, explaining to me the bell schedule a couple times now, as well as sharing with me what they are most excited about learning in the upcoming months. A highlight of my week was when 3 students asked Mrs. Alderfer when she was done teaching Intro to Agriculture because they wanted Miss. Royer to teach! :) As I enter the weekend I am focusing on finding an organizational system that will work best for me as I begin teaching my first two classes next ...
Megan, time management is certainly something that I struggle with as well. Something I try to do is have a few quick questions for the end of the period, and I think of them BEFORE class. This helps me make sure the rigor of the questions is higher because on the spot, I often ask very easy and simple questions. It is important for the students to reflect on what they learned/ did throughout the period.
ReplyDeleteThis reflection then helps the next day or next period when you quickly recap what students had completed yesterday. I am constantly reminding myself that students are taking 6, 7, or even 8 classes... they have A LOT going on as well and need that quick refresher.
Nice work
Hi Megan - I love the brain hats! I'm glad to see a little bit of Mary Myers made it into your student teaching internship. For closure activities, I have had students do a 3-2-1 activity on a post-it and I collect it as the bell rings or ask students to write test questions that I can use for quizzes.