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When You Stick a Girl in Quarantine

When you stick a girl in Quarantine you'd be amazed what she can accomplish!

With all of my extra time on my hands I've found many ways only a future Ag teacher would enjoy to keep busy. First I began my quarantine by helping my family to build a barn, from framing, pouring concrete, and wiring. I've made good use of my time learning from my dad and gaining Ag mechanics knowledge.
Not only was I learning hands on along side my family but I also enrolled in the National Safe Tractor Driving course through Penn State Extension and became a certified instructor! Along with safe tractor driving, I have been working on a forestry course to broaden my horizons. I've enjoyed learning about the importance of the forest ABCs as well as wildlife ecology. I cannot wait to share this knowledge with my students some day, taking them out to the forest and having the opportunity to identify trees on their own!
Along with all of the new things I have learned throughout this time, I've had the chance to reconnect with one of my favorite FFA projects! This is my very last year I will have the opportunity to raise livestock and show at my county fair, so over the past week I have become the proud Mom of two pigs! Raising these animals over the past seven years has taught me so much not only about the industry but also about myself! I am thankful for the relationships I have built and friends I have made along this journey, but most importantly I will always be grateful for the lessons raising pigs has taught me.
Though this summer may begin in quarantine, I can promise you I am doing my best to make the most of it, and I am looking forward to spending it with my new four legged friends!

- Megan


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