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Showing posts from March, 2021

Week 10: The week we went on Zoom!

  Week 10, how can it be?! It was a week full of new experiences, quick thinking, and a few selfies! Though the transition to virtual learning was new and unexpected, it made me realize how lucky I have been thus far in my student teaching experience to remain in person! It was new and uncharted territory but I like to think that we made the best of our experience by tackling egg evaluation, ear notching, and plant grafting. My Ag Mechanics courses also adapted preparing our Shark Tank pitches and electrical safety.  I learned the importance of flexibility and finding the silver lining in every situation, like chatting with my students and checking in even if we could only see each other through a computer screen.  I found new ways to keep students engaged whether that was through videos or playing Kahoot! It was awesome to see their excitement through the screen as we reviewed things like beef cuts and egg sizes! For next week, my goals are focusing on reflection and evaluation makin

Candy, Soldering, Horse Shoes, and Ice Cream! What more could you possibly squeeze into week 8?

  This week we got down to business learning about cattle in Intro to Ag, soldering in Ag Mech 1, and beginning the construction of our Shark Tank projects in Ag Mech 2!  We also spent some time in Vet Science building neurons out of candy! It was action packed with hands on learning for all of my classes. Some student inquiry I received this week throughout my classes were questions like, "why did we add salt to the ice when making our ice cream?" or "How do I solder two fittings on at a time?" It was an awesome moment seeing the students take control of their own learning and staying engaged throughout the lesson!  In one of my Introduction to Ag courses we discussed relevant terminology to the agricultural industry as well as practices used such as GMO, castration, animal rights, animal welfare, and Organic production. Students learned about what antibiotics are and how they played a role in production, and they played Bingo as a review. The intensity rose as stu

We're Halfway There?! Week 7 of Student Teaching in the Books!

 The week was full of marshmallow launchers, brain caps, speeches, and DIY projects to round out my 7th week of student teaching! We began the week building brains in my Veterinary Science class as we continued our investigation into the Nervous System. The students though reluctant at first, had more fun than they anticipated putting together their brains and visualizing how not only their own but also how pets' brains look! In Ag Mechanics 1 we also were hands on spending time in the shop identifying plumbing materials and tools as well as building marshmallow launchers to practice our PVC skills.  Along with spending my days in the classroom I had the opportunity to go across the street to the new Middle School program where students worked to design and build their own their own greenhouses. It was awesome to see the students and Ms. Elsbree work together as they discussed the different types of greenhouses such as lean-to, Single Gable, Gothic, and Free Standing Quonset. They