In to the jungle I go as I began my first week of teaching at Athens Area High School, and like any jungle, it was full of challenges, new experiences, and so many opportunities to learn! I started my week with my Horticulture first period, as we investigated greenhouse and pesticide safety! We discussed safety symbols and identify the 10 important components of a pesticide label. Third period I began my public speaking unit with my FFA/SAE course as we discussed speech topics, citations, and reliable sources. Students also worked to create a T-shirt design, plan the Sophomore and Junior Lock In, and began to fundraise with their annual Strawberry Sale. Although my week was briefly interrupted by a snow day, it gave me a chance to collect my thoughts and reflect on how excited I was to continue my semester at Athens. One pivotal moment of my first week of student teaching was the moment when I realized I was now in charge of 15 students and the nerv...