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Showing posts from March, 2020

Are You Hungry?

Recently, I have been charged with the task of finding a cooperating center.  A cooperating center is a school throughout the commonwealth of Pennsylvania willing to host a student teacher candidate in my program. This task has proven to be easier said than done. You see, it's a lot like going to a resturant starving and looking at a menu. Many times I find myself struggling to make a decision as everything looks equally delicious. This is how I began to feel looking at the list of cooperating centers throughout the state of Pennsylvania, equally as intriguing and exciting. To navigate this predicament, I started with the basics by determining where to look. In the case of the meal, I often look for things that are good for me. So, I have followed suit when looking at schools. I know that I would like a smaller school as it would be a good change in pace for me. I also know that a program in cooperating plant science courses as well as well as soil science would be areas that I